Registered Dental Hygienist, Mississauga



 Sampling from your teeth and tongue with the simple swab will be sent to the lab. The lab will identify the type of bacteria that lives in your mouth (8 periodontal pathogens). These samples will be sent to the lab for analysis.

The report will give us information about the types of harmful bacteria that are causing the persistent bleeding, gum pockets, bone loss, concerns about halitosis, implant problem. Theses harmful bacteria are making tiny ulcers in your gums and destroying the attachment of the gums to the teeth. This is why your gums bleed when we clean your teeth. Many of this harmful bacteria are linked to systemic disease (heart problem, atherosclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, pneumonia, premature birth, pancreatic, bowel & esophageal cancer).

The report will give us information about the type of harmful bacteria that are present in your mouth. Based on your lab report, the pharmacy will make specific mouth rinses for you that help to significantly decrease the bacteria, pockets, bleeding and heal your tissues.

Advantages of antibiotic mouth rinses:

  • Low doses of antibiotics in particulate colloidal suspension
  • 3,000 – 4,000x the concentration of systemic antibiotic in saliva
  • Topical method allows for direct delivery
  • Particles in medication can reach 6-7 mm depth
  • Short exposure time effectively reduce pathogens/minimizes potential for resistance
  • Treat whole moth biofilm
  • Eliminate systemic side effects
  • Rapid, effective healing

It is a 4 weeks treatment using the antibacterial rinses. After 4 weeks the gums will be evaluated and maintenance rinses will be recommended. After the treatment period, if you have deep pockets with persistent bleeding, antibiotic cream which will be inserted in the gum pocket and used at home for further treatment, might be recommended.  Client will be seen in 3 month after starting the antibacterial rinse treatment.

What modifications were done to protect me from Covid19?

There are some modifications that was done in the office that I have been implementing since June 2020.

  1. Before booking clients, screening for symptoms of COVID-19 is performed. I usually send the Pre-screening Form to fill out at home. If you do not have a printer, please feel free to request filling out the form in the office. Clients who screen positive must not attend the facility and should be advised to contact their primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 for further guidance.
  2. Upon arrival, clients should perform accepted hand hygiene with either 70%–90% alcohol-based hand sanitizer and temperature with IR thermometer is taken and recorded in-office.
  3. Prior to treatment, clients rinse their mouths with 1.5 % hydrogen peroxide for 30 seconds to reduce the salivary load of oral microbes.
  4. Only one person is allowed in the office. If a parent wishes to stay in the office, please have your mask on.
  5. The main problem at the dental/dental hygiene offices is aerosol-generating procedures using power scaler and air/water syringe. To help reduce aerosol at my office, I use the HVE (high volume evacuation) mirror/suction. It is well documented that proper high-volume suction during many dental procedures eliminates over 90% of aerosols and spatter generated during routine dental procedures. HVE has been proven to significantly decrease transmission of communicable diseases from patient to dentist and dental professionals.
  6. All dental staff that work with aerosol – generating procedures, will wear a shield. It protects you from me being too close to you and protects me as well.
  7. We leave at least 30 min in between the clients (who are not family) to clear up the air and create a safer environment.
  8. We have the medical grade air– cleaner: ASEPT-AIR LIFE CELL 2550. It has the BIGGEST FILTRATION capacity and HIGHEST CADR ratings in its class. 2-stage true HEPA filter captures 99.97% of VIRUSES, GERMS, and BACTERIA as small as 0.3 microns, and 2-stage carbon filter captures and neutralizes odours. The LIFE CELL 2550 produces no ozone.

The High speed 350 CFM has 14 ACM (Air Clean per Minute), cleans the air in the office every 4 min.

The medium – 250 CFM, Cleans air every 6 min.

The Low – 180 CFM, cleans air every 10 min.

As well We use the air cleaner which has UVC light. It kills all the bacteria and viruses as well.

  1. I would like to assure that I perform very thorough cleaning and disinfecting after every client.

I look forward to seeing everyone and will do my best to keep your oral health at the optimum level.

Why Should We Treat Gum Disease?

Most people don’t connect their mouths to the rest of their bodies. However, research studies have linked gum infection to the other diseases in the body. If your gums bleed, the infection can travel through the blood stream or airways thereby increasing your chances of heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases and preterm or low birthweight babies. Gum infection can also make it difficult to control diabetes.
Gum disease begins with the formation of soft (plague) and hard (calculus/tarter) deposits on the surface of the teeth. Without proper oral care, these bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). If this infection is left untreated for too long, it can penetrate the gum line and slowly destroy the bone and supporting tissues around the teeth, ultimately leading to tooth loss. Prevention is the key to maintaining oral health. With regular, proper home and professional oral care, gum disease can be controlled or even reversed.

The warning signs of gum disease include:                                               

  • Red, swollen or tender gums
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Loose or separating teeth
  • Most people are not aware of gum disease since it is completely asymptomatic and painless in the early stages.

If plaque and tartar are not removed, they work as a team and together contribute to destroy the gums and bone thus causing periodontal disease.

What causes gum disease?

Our mouths are full of bacteria. These bacteria, along with mucus and other particles, constantly form a sticky, colorless “plaque” on teeth. Brushing and flossing help get rid of plaque. Plaque that is not removed can harden and form “tartar” that brushing doesn’t clean. Only a professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist can remove tartar.

How many times should I come to fully clean my teeth?

The number of treatments will vary depending on the extent of the gum disease and the amount of deposits. For clients who have regular teeth cleaning it is usually one appointment. For clients who has never had professional teeth cleaning or cleaned their teeth long time ago the treatment may take up to 4 appointments. Once you finished the active phase of periodontal treatment your dental hygienist will inform you about the frequency you need to come for teeth and gums maintenance and it will take just one appointment.

How often should I come for teeth and gums maintenance (hygiene appointment)?

The main goal of treatment is to control the infection. After initial cleaning and your gums evaluation the frequency would be recommended based on your plague control, level of bleeding, pocket depth measurement, bone level. Usually periodontal patients should be seen every three months.

How long does appointment last?

The length of the appointment may vary depending on the extent of periodontal condition, the amount of the deposits and the age. The appointment for the kids usually last 30 min, for youth and adult with good oral hygiene and no perio condition 45min and for the adults with periodontal disease 60 min. The time provided is average. It means if you need more time to do a quality work, I will spend as much time as you require.

Can Dental Hygienist provide the service to the patients without a dentist in the office?

Bill 171 passed in 2007 giving to the public direct access to dental hygiene services without having to see a dentist. Dental Hygienist has to be registered with College of Dental Hygienist of Ontario ( and authorized by the CDHO to ‘self initiate’. To search your Dental Hygienist please visit this:


Registered Dental Hygienist, Mississauga